Living in a Unit - TIP 4 - One Dish Wanders

16 February 2014

Today, Mr J and I were blessed to have our dear friends over for lunch. Our first official hosting since being married. We played games that left us laughing uncontrollably and finished with a game of bocce in the sun. Prior to all our mind boggling fun, we ate. Mr J and I thought that a one dish wander would be ideal. I took charge of mains - shepherds pie. Mr J took charge of dessert - apple crumble. Yum.

Why are one dish wanders so great for a tiny unit?

Benefit number one. When guests arrive that you have been waiting all day to catch up with, the last thing you want to do is cook, instead make the meal in advance and then all you have to do is wait for it to heat up and in the meantime you can sit down and relax.

Benefit number two. After serving the meal, having one big dish to put in the kitchen sink looks much neater than three frying pans, two wooden spoons, an oven tray and some chopping boards. Advance cooking has allowed you to do all these dishes prior to your dinner party. This is particularly relevant for small units as everyone can see your kitchen sink - no where to hide that mess!

I dare you to impress your guests with a dish. What would your one dish specialty be?

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